Offset your
carbon footprint

Offset your
carbon footprint

Our mission

Inuk empowers businesses and individuals to reliably offset their carbon emissions, through the funding of local renewable energy projects.


All our projects are carried by independent actors and are located in France and Europe because we believe it is important to decarbonise where the emissions are generated.


At Inuk, carbon credits have real value, they are never resold, never counterfeited. The blockchain ensures that our transactions are totally secure.


Our carbon credits are traceable through their unique transaction number on the blockchain. All our carbon credits are auditable, publicly and by anyone, at any time.


Inuk's model is designed to pay project owners as much as possible. Zero commission, zero audit fees, and full transparency on 'where your money goes'.

Did you say carbon contribution ?

Carbon contribution is a process that consists of financing carbon reduction or sequestration projects.
This does not give you a 'right to pollute' though: it is a global approach. First, you measure your carbon emissions, then you reduce them as much as possible. And finally, you contribute to carbon neutrality for the remaining emissions. We'll explain it all to you below!

Our solutions are tailored to your needs

Our offers allows us to support our clients throughout their low-carbon transition : from estimating and reducing their emissions to offsetting in the most rigorous way

For companies

We support you in estimating your carbon footprint, building a carbon reduction strategy and offsetting your residual emissions.

For e-commerce

We have developed an API and plugins that adapt to your e-shop to measure and offset your delivery emissions

For individuals

An App is available to help you measure and offset the emissions linked to all your journeys (deliveries, holidays, taxis, ...)

words of the ecosystem

Carbon contribution, carbon neutrality, climate change, green energy, carbon offsetting, Net Zero Carbon, the Paris Agreements... These are all opaque expressions we come across more and more often. We tried to clarify them for you !

Carbon offsetting

For a while, we used to talk about 'carbon offsetting'. In itself, this is not a problem, except that the term has ended up being totally misused as a tool for greenwashing.

This is why we now prefer the term 'carbon contribution'. The term 'carbon contribution', coined by Carbone 4 and the Net Zero Initiative, implies the inclusion of the measurement and reduction of emissions in its approach.

Then we make a joint effort, a 'contribution' to collectively achieve carbon neutrality.


ADEME (the French Agency of Ecological Transition) defines a good carbon contribution according to three criteria: measurability, additionality and uniqueness. (At Inuk, we added a local criterion, but that's our business.)

Understanding and improving the carbon footprint of E-commerce

Faced with the explosion of e-commerce, this white paper presents the main trends in the sector and offers practical advice to improve the carbon footprint of your e-store.
How does blockchain work, and what does it bring to sustainable development ?
This is a question we were asked a lot during the development phase of Inuk: what is the point of offsetting? Isn't it just a lazy reflex for those who refuse to change their habits?

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Inuk, a truly transparent solution

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We offer a truly effective carbon offsetting solution: totally transparent, traceable, and in real time. All our partner projects are located in France or in Europe: we support local projects !